Saturday, July 02, 2005

So... You Wanna go backpacking with me. . .

Send an email to david.jarvi at if you want the "Comprehensive Backpacking list" in MS EXCEL format with estimated prices/weights.

Everything you bring on an adventure depends on
1) The trip (What will you be doing? and Where you are going?)
2) Experience of you and the "weakest link" in your group
3) Weight

Must Have items in your group
  1. Food System ---Food and Water and if cooking. . . JetBoil OR Pepsi Can Stove OR Good old fashioned Fire
  2. Sleeping system (Bag,Tyvek Ground cloth/shelter, Thermarest Z-rest) OR Tent, with bags OR Bivy/Bag/extra clothes/pack as pad
  3. Esssentials kit -- Permit,Map and Directions,Emergency Contact info, Water Purifier( Iodine OR filter OR Boil) First aid kit, Duct Tape, Toothbrush/paste, Trash Bag, Hacky Sack, Ibuprofen, Extra Money, Quarters, Emergency ultra light cell phone, High test rope, etc. .

Must have items in your pack
Extra food in your pack ( Clif bars from Trader Joes are perfect, high density caloric food like nuts, etc.)

Headlamp and backup miniLED light
Extra Water (Stored in 2-3 liter platypus/Nalgene or 1 Liter Nalgene bottles)
Toilet Paper( Stored in Heavy Duty Ziploc Bags)

Eating kit ( your favorite spices, mini bowl, lexan spoon fork
Personal Hygiene items ( Ladies you are on your own. . . mini )
Rain Suit ( Dryducks) OR Trash bags

Emergency Kit - Compass, Map, Emergency Whistle, Emergency Blanket,

Clothing Kit (Stored in waterproof stuff sack)
-2 pair socks( preferably different fabrics.....i.e. cotton, nylon, wool)-
Good pair of shoes ( I wear running shoes, but you might want more support if you haven't been running, hiking, walking much)
-Thick Fleece jacket ( use as pillow if not needed)
-Warm Hat and Balaclava for sleeping (40% heat loss through head)
-Gloves ( Liners)
-Nylon shorts
-Shirt (Cotton tshirt minimum) OR if you have the money Patagonia crap
-Good pair of undies (Nylon athletic type)
-Bandana ( Good for sweat, emergency, fashion,etc. .)

Nice things to have

-Extra Batteries and Extra Clothes

-favorite bugrepellant
-favorite sunscreen
-Digital Camera
-Hiking Poles ( Makalu. . enough said)
-Book of Mormon
-Journal with Pen
-Camp Sandles
-MP3 player ( Ipod)


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